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Shark Bite Force Measurement


Measuring the bite force of a shark was no easy task. But engineers at Peacock Productions designed a test platform to do just that at Shark Week 2017. Their setup mounted multiple LTH500 donut sensors in a mold that simulated a shark's prey. When the shark bit the mold, our sensors captured the force applied. Watch the video on demand.


How it works :

  1. Using several LTH500 series "force ring" sensors, engineers were able to measure the shark's biting force during the experiment.
  2. The outputs of the sensors are connected to an IAC200 junction box and then sent to an IHH500 series handheld digital display. Test engineers can monitor and record all resulting data.
  3. View the YouTube video posted in collaboration with Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps performing this experiment using FUTEK products:
