joints – Crackmeters - Extensometers
Crackmeters for measuring displacement across cracks and joints, with options for manual or remote logging of output, and vibrating wire jointmeters, designed specifically for use on concrete-faced dams.

Range (FS): 30 50, 100 mm.
Material : Stainless steel grade 316.
Accuracy : 0,2 % de FS.
Protection IP68 1700 kPa.
Range (FS): 30 50, 100 mm.
Material : Stainless steel grade 316.
Accuracy : 0,2 % de FS.
Protection IP68 1700 kPa.
Range 20m | 30m | 50m
Accuracy1 ±0.01mm
Resolution 0.01mm
Repeatability2 0.1mm
Operating Temperature -10 to 60°C
Tape Tension 13.5kg
Tension Indicator Optical
Weight Excluding Tape 1kg
Power Off Automatic
Power On Automatic (upon movement of the micrometer)
Range (FS): 30 mm.
Material : Stainless steel grade 316.
Accuracy : 0,2 % de FS.
Protection IP68 1700 kPa.
Ranges ±12mm ±35mm ±75mm
Reading Devices : Dial Depth Gauge or Digital Depth Gauge.
Accurate and precise.
Proven in long-term monitoring