Vibrating wire Strain gauges
Strain gauges measure load, stress and pressure in concrete foundations and tunnels, as well as sheet pile walling and reinforcement bars; gauges may be read locally and individually or remotely and automatically.

Range 3000 microstrain
Resolution 0.4 microstrain
Accuracy ±0.5% full scale
Temperature range -20 to 80°C
Active gauge length 50.4 mm
Excitation method Pluck or sweep
Material Stainless Steel
Weight 50g
Dimensions L 65mm x W 13mm x H 6mm
Thermistor type NTC 3k Ω, accuracy ±0.5°C
Range 3000 microstrain
Resolution 1 microstrain
Accuracy ±0.1% full scale
Temperature range -20 to 80°C
Active gauge length 141.4 mm
Excitation method Pluck or sweep
Material Stainless Steel
Weight 50g
Dimensions L 157mm x Ø 12.7mm
Thermistor type NTC 3k Ω, accuracy ±0.5°C
Range 3000 microstrain
Resolution 1 microstrain
Accuracy ±0.1% full scale
Temperature range -20 to 80°C
Active gauge length 141.4mm
Excitation method Pluck or sweep
Material Stainless Steel
Weight 50g
Dimensions L 157mm x Ø 12.7mm
Thermistor type NTC 3k Ω, accuracy ±0.5°C
Range 3000 microstrain
Resolution 1 microstrain
Accuracy ±0.1% full scale
Temperature range -20 to 80°C
Active gauge length 150 mm
Excitation method Pluck or sweep
Material Stainless Steel
Weight 58g
Dimensions L 157mm x Ø 19mm
Thermistor type NTC 3k Ω, accuracy ±0.5°C
Range 2500 microstrain
Resolution <0.4 microstrain
Accuracy ±0.25% full scale
Temperature range -20 to 80°C
Length 900 mm
Excitation method Pluck or sweep
Rebar strain gauge diameters 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, 22mm, 25mm, 28mm, 32mm, 36mm and 40mm
Sister bar diameter 12mm
Frequency range2 1800 - 2800Hz
Thermistor type NTC 3k Ω, accuracy ±0.5°C