Single point weighing cell
Sensel Measurement company sales and designs a large range of strain gage single point weighing sensors. We offer a very large range of measurement from ±0.3 kg to 1000 kg with a high accuracy (3000, 4000, 6000 pts). The weighing strain gage sensors are usually powered in 10 Volts with a sensitivity (output signal) of 2 mV per volt of power. The output wil be at 20 mV for the full scale. We recommend the use of a conditioner amplifier of signal (SM18-GAGE) or a digital display for strain gage sensors (PAXS).

- Weighing unit for load cell.
- Measuring Range: from 0 to 100 Kg, ..., 100 Tons.
- Material: Stainless Steel.
- Completely auto load self alignment and transverse shift compensation.
- Bending Baem load cell for the measurement of static and dynamic loads.
- Measuring Range: 0 to 25, ..., 200 Kg.
- Material: Stainless Steel.
- Approval: OIML R60.
- Class: C2 & C3.
- Environmental protection: IP68.
- Output: 2mV/V.
- Weighing unit for load cell SMF1.
- Measuring Range: from 0 to 2.5, ..., 200 Kg.
- Material: Stainless Steel.
- Elastomer bearing against vibrations.
- Bending Baem load cell for the measurement of static and dynamic loads.
- Measuring Range: 0 to 10 Kg, ..., 2 Tonnes.
- Material: Stainless Steel.
- Approval: OIML R60.
- Class: C2 & C3.
- Environmental protection: IP68.
- Output: 2mV/V.
- Shear Baem load cell for the measurement of static and dynamic loads.
- Measuring Range: 0 to 350 Kg, ..., 7.5 Tons.
- Material: Stainless Steel.
- Approval: OIML R60.
- Class: C2 & C3.
- Environmental protection: IP68.
- Output: 2mV/V.
- Shear Baem load cell for the measurement of static and dynamic loads.
- Measuring Range: 0 to 350 Kg, ..., 2 Tons.
- Material: Stainless Steel.
- Linearity: 0.05%.
- Environmental protection: IP68.
- Output: 4-20 mA.
- Weighing unit for load cell SMFT1.
- Measuring Range: from 0 to 350 Kg, ..., 2 Tons.
- Material: Stainless Steel.
- Elastomer bearing against vibrations.
- Shear Baem load cell for the measurement of static and dynamic loads.
- Measuring Range: 0 to 500 Kg, ..., 10 Tons.
- Material: Stainless Steel.
- Approval: OIML R60.
- Class: C2 & C3.
- Environmental protection: IP68.
- Output: 2mV/V.
- Shear Baem load cell for the measurement of static and dynamic loads.
- Measuring Range: 0 to 5 Kg, ..., 100 Kg.
- Material: Stainless Steel.
- Approval: OIML R60.
- Class: C2.
- Environmental protection: IP68.
- Output: 2mV/V.
- Shear Baem load cell for the measurement of static and dynamic loads.
- Measuring Range: 0 to 10 Tons, ..., 20 Tons.
- Material: Stainless Steel.
- Environmental protection: IP68.
- Output: 2mV/V.
- Double Shear Baem load cell for the measurement of static and dynamic loads.
- Measuring Range: 15 Tons.
- Material: Stainless Steel.
- Environmental protection: IP68.
- Output: 2mV/V.
High Precision Single-Point Load Cell for 200 x 200 mm platform.
Measuring Range: 0, 2, 3, 5 Kg.
Material: Aluminium.
Accuracy: 3000 points.
Environmental protection: IP66.
Cable output: 0.4m.
Low profile single-point Load Cell for 350 x 350 mm platform.
Measuring Range: 0 to 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35 Kg.
Material: Aluminium.
Approval NTEP ET OIML R60.
Accuracy: 3000 points.
Environmental protection: IP66.
Cable output: 0.5m.
Low profile single-point Load Cell for 400 x 400 mm platform.
Measuring Range: 0 to 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 Kg.
Material: Aluminium.
Accuracy: 3000 & 6000 points.
Approval NTEP & OIML R60.
Environmental protection: IP65.
Cable output: 1m.
Low Profile stainless steel single-point load cell for 400 x 400 mm platform.
Measuring Range: From 0 to 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 50, 75, 100 Kg.
Material: Aluminium.
Accuracy: 3000 points.
Environmental protection: IP66.
Approval NTEP & OIML R60.
Cable output: 1.5m.
Low Profile stainless steel single-point load cell for 400 x 400 mm platform.
Measuring Range: From 0 to 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250 Kg.
Material: Aluminium.
Accuracy: 3000 & 6000 points.
Environmental protection: IP66.
Approval NTEP & OIML R60.
Cable output: 1.5m.
High Capacity Single-Point Load Cell for 800 x 800 mm platform.
Measuring Range: 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500, 635, 1000 Kg.
Material: Aluminium.
Accuracy: 1000 & 3000 points.
Environmental protection: IP66. (IP67 Option).
Approval NTEP & OIML R60.
Cable output: 3m.
Low profile shear beam load cell.
Measuring Range: From 0 to 250, 500, 1000, 2000 Kg.
Material: Steel and stainless steel construction.
Accuracy: 3000 points.
Approval NTEP & OIML R60.
Environmental protection: IP67.
Cable output: 3m.
Low profile shear beam load cell.
Measuring Range: From 0 to 2500, 3000, 5000 Kg.
Material: Stainless steel construction.
Accuracy: 3000 points.
Approval NTEP.
Environmental protection: IP67.
Cable output.
High capacity shear beam load cell.
Measuring Range: From 0 to 300, 500, 750, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000 Kg.
Material: Stainless steel construction.
Accuracy: 3000 & 6000 points.
Approval NTEP & OIML R60.
Environmental protection: IP68.
Low profile shear beam load cell.
Measuring Range: From 0 to 500, 1000, 2000 Kg.
Material: Stainless steel construction.
Accuracy: 3000 & 6000 points.
Approval NTEP & OIML R60.
Environmental protection: IP68.