Subminiature Load Cell Button.
Capacities : 0 to 5, 10, 25, 50 Lb.
Rated output : 1.5 - 2 mV/V.
Non Linearity : 0.5%.
Material : Stainless steel.
Model LLB130 is a Miniature Load Button designed for Press, or Inline compression applications. The LLB130 Miniature Load Button model is made from a robust 17-4 PH Stainless Steel, with a subminiature 0.38 inch outside diameter.
Although Miniature Load Button are traditionally not known for their high accuracy, FUTEK engineers have dispelled this concept by continuously improving the accuracy of this product. These load cells achieve great accuracy and stiffness with a Nonlinearity of ±0.5% and Deflection of 0.002” nominal. You will also find options for external matched output readily available.