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Tension test on the handle of a fabric bag


To determine the tensile strength of a fabric bag handle, grasp the handle sample with two dedicated pliers, and pull both ends until it breaks. We offer a dedicated test system such as the following configuration, which is used in quality control and R&D.



  1. This video highlights a tension test on the handle of a fabric bag. It is possible that this configuration is not compatible with other types of bags or handles, made with different materials.

  2. This example of a configuration is given as an indication only. It will vary depending on the bag, measurement method and test capacity.

  3. Please select the correct product model by referring to the specifications of each product to ensure compatibility.


Products used :

  • ZTS/ZTA Series - Digital electronic dynamometer.
  • MX2 Series - Vertical motorized force tester with counter and timer.
  • GC - Flat screw clamp.