Measuring the torque of a motorcycle throttle
To determine the torque of a motorcycle's throttle, it is necessary to rotate the handlebars of the motorcycle using a dedicated grip. IMADA proposes a test system with the following configuration, allowing to visualize directly on a graph the relationship between torque and angle. The operability can also be analyzed by comparing the results of tests at different speeds. This system is used for quality control and R&D.
- This video highlights the torque test for a certain motorcycle handle. Some handles may not be suitable for measurement with this configuration, due to their different materials or shapes.
- This example of configuration is only given as an indication. It will vary depending on the handle, measurement method and test capacity.
- Please select the correct product model by referring to the specifications of each product to ensure compatibility.
Products used :
- TAA-HTG series - Torque and angle measurement unit.
- Motorcycle Accelerator Torque Test Stand - Custom accessory No.1T035.