Casing Material ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)
Groove spiral < 0.5° / 3m
Collapse rating 1960kPA
Bend rating 252N
Maximum temperature 80°C
Tensile strength 585kgF
Torque 25Nm
QD (Quick Drive) Casing has all the advantages of EC (Easy Connect) Casing, combined with a mild steel nose cone for driving into preformed window sampling holes, and may also be used for shallow installations into soft soils.
QD Casing is faster and easier to install than coupled inclinometer casing, as no rivets, tape or glue are required; simply push together and the joint is made.
The casing can be extended or joined at any point along its length and telescoping couplings are available to cope with significant settlement or heave.
QD Casing is manufactured using ABS extrusion techniques, resulting in an accurate groove profile with precise keyways formed at 90° into the internal surface and has been extensively tested to ensure that the machined joint is strong and resists the ingress of water and grout.